Investor announcements
Extraordinary announcement on the HFSA authorization of transfer of certain hungarian branches of the Company’s Subsidiary
2020. 05. 28.


CIG Pannónia Life Insurance Plc. (Registered office: 1033 Budapest, Flórián tér 1; company registration number: Cg.01-10-045857, hereinafter: “the Company”) hereby informs its shareholders and the capital market participants that on this day the HFSA with its resolution No. H-EN-II-60/2020. authorized CIG Pannónia First Hungarian General Indurance cPlc. (hereinafter referred to as: EMABIT), 100% Subsidiary of the Company to sell its casco, hungarian property, liability, hungarian forwarding, hungarian  transportation and motor insurance branches specified in the application submitted to the HFSA on 22 April 2020, to Aegon Insurance Hungary Plc. from 1st of June 2020.

Disclaimer: All information contained within this article is for information purposes only, and shall not be considered an official translation of the official communication referred to herein. This document does not include the integral wording of the official communication referred to herein, the original Hungarian language version of it remains to be the solely legally binding material in the subject matter. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


CIG Pannónia Life Insurance Plc.


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