Investor announcements
Extraordinary announcement on expiry of mandate of a member of the Supervisory Board
2020. 06. 02.

CIG Pannonia Life Insurance Plc. (registered seat: H-1033 Budapest, Flórián tér 1.; company registry number: Cg.01-10-045857; hereinafter: the “Company”) hereby notifies its shareholders and the capital market participants that the mandate of Imréné Fekete, memeber of the Supervosry Board have experied on this day.

Imréné Fekete, who has experience in accounting and auditing, has been the member of the Company's Supervisory Board and Audit Committee since 13 April 2017. In her last re-election, she assumed the term of office for 3 years, which expired. Through her work, she has greatly contributed to the results of the Company, which is again thanked by the management.

CIG Pannonia Life Insurance Plc.


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